Wednesday, January 11, 2006

We had CCA Fest today and I spent most of my time at the floorball booth. I must say I really like floorball, as in I really enjoy the game and the people in it. Didn't really spend much time at the Chamber booth though. It's weird since it's supposed to be my core CCA, and yet, I feel so much more involved in floorball. I really think its got something to do with the fact that my section's so slack, no one bothers to include us anymore. But hey! I do care about Chamber! Include me!!!!

Floorball booth was right next to sailing booth and suddenly, I realised that I used to dream and dream about becoming a sailor, but it never materialised. I guess there are somethings in life that one will always look back and regret not attempting or seizing. I do regret alot of things. And ironically, sometimes I don't regret allowing such regrets to occur, because they will always exist. In a sense that I would have gone ahead with whatever I wanted, but I would have to let go of another opportunity. And this missed opportunity would in turn become the regret. It's pretty confusing now, but I guess one will understand when one experiences it.


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