Sunday, October 30, 2005

Today was pretty uneventful. We went to church in the morning and the sermon was pretty ok. I can't really remember what it meant and all. But as always, the highlight of every sunday is when i get to teach the kids! Today, little Avery Long came for my session and she was so cute! Too bad sophia was fawning over her every minute. And little Jannai didn't come. Boohoo. I had planned to take a photo with her. She's my favourite always. I really can't wait to teach these little ones songs. Somehow, whenever I'm surrounded by these miniature people, I begin to see the world through rose-tinted glasses, notice the awesome colours around me and appreciate that leaf on the sticker or the ingenuity of the foam squares. No wonder God said "For the kingdom of heaven belong to children such as these.." When I look at those little faces, God's wonderful handicraft of the human features becomes more and more obvious. Everything on them is perfect and utterly sinless and every child looks angelic and beautiful. But the world is a terrible place to grow up in. It's heart wrenching to know that someday, that innocence and beauty might fade because they might be influenced by the evil ways of the world.

I have been reading Becoming a man by Paul Monnett. It's a very powerful book though. One hears the voice of the author, coming through as a whisper, but loud enough to be heard by all. His anguish, his pain, his confusion and most of all, his exhilaration of being free again. I have yet to finish it though. The night's so young but I'm bored to death!


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